From August
24th, until September 3rd, R&D Nester will
participate in this year's edition of the CIGRE Conference.
Established in 1921 in Paris, France, CIGRE is a global community committed to the collaborative development and sharing of power system expertise. The community features thousands of professionals from over 90 countries and 1250 member organisations, including some of the world's leading experts.
At its
heart are CIGRE's 59 in country National Committees offering diverse technical
perspectives and expertise from every corner of the globe.
CIGRE operates the world's foremost knowledge programme, spanning 16 domains of work encompassing all the core areas of the power system. Across these domains 250+ Working Groups draw and build on practical expertise to solve existing and future challenges facing the power system.
Due to the current situation of covid-19 pandemic, this year's edition was forced to change its format. Instead of traditional face-to-face sessions, the conference will be virtual.
R&D Nester will make the following 2 presentations:
"Remote monitoring overhead lines using satellite images"
This work
presents the use-cases underlying the development of two satellite-based
services designed to perform remote monitoring and automatic control of the
right-of-ways' (RoW) field management activities and for the planning of new critical
infrastructures. These services aim at supporting the Transmission System
operators, among ohter potential users, in
delivering cost-efficient security of supply with regard to environmental
socialise or not to socialise the cost of imbalances from non-programmable
renewable generation"
This work
studies two different models for integrating non-programmable electricity
generation from renewable energy sources in the Portuguese electricity market:
1) guaranteed remuneration with socialised imbalance costs and 2) spot market
remuneration without socialised imbalance costs.
For more information: