



R&D Nester was invited for this year's edition of MEDPOWER 2024 - Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion.

The 14th edition of this conference was held in Athens, Greece, last November.


The conference belongs to the series of bi-annual conferences which take place in the Mediterranean region and have established a major energy platform in the region in the last 30 years. The Conference is organised by IET Hellas, IET Cyprus Local Networks and The Malta Group of Professional Engineering Institutions (MGPEI) in Cooperation with the National Technical University of Athens and the University of West Attica with the support of IET.


MEDPOWER is a conference that aims to be at the forefront of shaping the future of decarbonized, efficient, secure and resilient power systems.  It intends to provide a forum for distinguished researchers, industry experts, policymakers, and academia to explore the latest trends, challenges, and innovations in the energy landscape. Over three dynamic days, attendees had the opportunity to engage in stimulating discussions, informative keynote presentation, enlightening panel sessions and interactive paper sessions. Participants had the opportunity to showcase their research, share expertise and foster collaborations for energy advancements.

In this 14th edition, R&D Nester was represented in the Panel entitled "Resilience Against Natural Disasters and Extreme Weather: Innovations, Applications and Policies in Power Systems", with a presentation titled "Key challenges for operating future grids under a carbon-neutral Europe".

Nuno Souza e Silva, Managing, Managing Director of R&D Nester, was invited to be a speaker on this panel sharing R&D Nester' experience framing the remaining participants and assistance on the content of R&D Nester's current projects and its results and achievements.


In the same session we had also the insightful presentations on "HEDNO: Climate Resilience Strategy", from George Andreakos, on "Building Machine Learning Supported Resilient Power Grids" by Jin  Zhao, Trinity College Dublin, on "Resilient, reliable and secure power systems: the eFORT project", by Maria Fotopoulou, CERTH, Greece, on "Operational and Infrastructure Planning to Enhance Resilience", by Dimitris N. Trakas, SMPnet, UK and on "Regulatory Frameworks and Standards for Resilient Power Systems", by Aleksandra Krkoleva Mateska, UKIM/FEIT, Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje.

Furthermore, Nuno Souza e Silva also moderated a Keynote session where the following topics were addressed: "Green hydrogen seasonal storage and generation adequacy", by Prof. João A. Peças Lopes, "From Sensors to High-Impact Applications supporting Net-Zero Transition" by Prof. Haris Patsios, "Achieving Energy Transition Towards Climate Neutrality: The Potential of Smart Cities and Renewable Energy Communities in the EU", by Prof. Carlo Alberto Nucci and "Orchestration of Cooperative and Self-Organizing Electric Vehicles for Implementing V2G-based Ancillary Services in User-Centric Smart Cities", by Prof. Alfredo Vaccaro.


For more information:

MedPower 2024 Conference

R&D Nester website

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