

R&D NESTER PRESENTED “Energy Communities’ impact on power grids” AT ENLIT EUROPE


R&D Nester was present in this year's edition of ENLIT Europe that was held in Milan, Italy, last October.

ENLIT is an event with over 15.000 power & energy professionals which purpose is to connect people, projects and technologies in the path of energy transition.

The Partners of ENLIT Europe include organizations that represent the industry stakeholders and the media titles that cover the energy sector in Europe and around the world.

The organization of this event work closely together throughout the year to present the latest sector developments and industry news. This event programme always includes presentations, panels,  interviews and other digital content highly relevant. ENLIT Europe is a constantly growing, inclusive, end-to-end forum that addresses every aspect of the energy agenda, and players from the producers of energy to the end consumer and everyone in between.

In this year event R&D Nester was represented in the Session "Energy Communities' impact on power grids​: Energy Community Embedment Increasing Grid Flexibility and Flourishing Electricity Markets​".

Nuno Souza e Silva, Managing Director of R&D Nester, was invited to be a speaker about the document produced in the context of the ETIP-SNET (European Technology and Innovation Platform - Smart Networks for Energy Transition).




The discussing addressed on one side the Technical aspects concerning the challenges that Energy Communities pose to the grids and system operation and the benefits that Energy Communities can bring as contributors to solving other concerns. On the other hand, it also addressed economical and monetization aspects regarding the participation of such communities in the Energy System and in the market.


For more information:

ENLIT EUROPE 2024 website

R&D Nester website

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