STUNNED PROJECT (Nov/2024 - Apr/2028)

Supporting the reduction of energy demand from end-users, energy communities and energy districts through the use of intelligent energy management systems for the integration of renewable energy sources and demand-side assets for the provision of flexibility services to the grid operators, contributing to the robustness of the power system.

The STUNNED project seeks to lower the overall energy demand of groups of end-users (residential and industrial buildings) grouped together in energy communities or energy districts. STUNNED will address this challenge through the integration of renewable energy sources, electric vehicles, and various proprietary energy management systems (EMS), as well as the provision of ancillary services like Demand Response (DR), peak shaving, load shifting, balancing and frequency services, and congestion management.

By combining several residential and commercial buildings, STUNNED expects to show the potential for these communities offering energy flexibility services to the electrical grid and to make it easier for a large number of prosumers, consumers, and producers to enter the electricity markets.

The suggested solution will be based on the Stackelberg Game optimization method, a mathematical technique that can determine the best trade-off between two distinct local actors in a three-layer configuration: the Aggregator, which represents the "middle layer" actor, and the group of buildings and industrial sites, which represents the "lower layer" actor and will take advantage of the opportunity to lower their costs and carbon footprint that will allow them to participate in energy and flexibility markets. Three primary market configurations-centralized, decentralized, and distributed-will be addressed by three distinct systems that will be put into practice and compared.

Through a demonstration campaign in three distinct EU countries (Italy, Spain, and France), the technological, economic, and regulatory viability of the suggested solution will be confirmed. TSOs and DSOs will also be involved, either directly or through the existing markets. One of the main focuses of developing the STUNNED concept will be replication, market design, and exploitation. Additionally, STUNNED will create a solution that is consistent with the ongoing regulatory framework and offer suggestions for improving and modernizing the laws pertaining to energy communities.

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