I-NERGY PROJECT [Jan/2021 – Dec/2023]
AI spreading in the energy sector is expected to dramatically reshape energy value chain in the next years, by improving business processes performance, while increasing environmental sustainability, strengthening social relationships and propagating high social value among citizens.
I-NERGY aims at evolving, scaling up and demonstrating innovative AI-as-a-Service (AIaaS) Energy Analytics Applications and digital twins services that will be validated along 9 pilots, which range from optimised management of grid and non-grid RES assets, improved efficiency and reliability of electricity networks operation, optimising local and virtual energy communities involvement in flexibility and green energy marketplaces.
I-NERGY involves 17 partners from 10 countries and will deliver in short:
- new AI-based energy services, fully aligned with AI4EU service requirements;
- an open modular framework for supporting AI-on-Demand in the energy sector by capitalising on state-of-the-art AI, IoT, semantics, analytics tools, which leverage on edge-level AI-based cross-sector multi-stakeholder sovereignty and regulatory preserving interoperable data handling.
R&D Nester is participating developing two use cases addressing the following topics:
- Asset management and predictive maintenance with specific focus on circuit breakers;
- Network loads and demand forecasting for operational planning timeframe.
Project website: https://i-nergy.eu/
Project LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/i-nergy-h2020/about/
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101016508.